Top intelligence heroes in Dota 2

Intelligence is one of the three primary attributes in Dota 2, along with strength and agility. Attributes grant mana and mana regeneration to every hero. Intelligence heroes gain attack damage at every point of intelligence.

Every point in intelligence increases maximum mana by 12. It also increases mana regeneration by 0.05. The mana bonus is only applied to the maximum mana pool. The hero’s current mana does not increase but the current percentage mana is kept. Gaining 1 mana regeneration requires 20 intelligence points. 

Intelligence Heroes

Most often than not, intelligence heroes have a higher number of active abilities in comparison to other heroes. All of them have at least three active abilities. Majority of Dota 2’s intelligence heroes have all four of their abilities active, and some have five or more. 

The heroes’ larger mana pools and higher mana regeneration rates greatly help them in using their abilities frequently. Generally, intelligence heroes have the greatest number of disabling capabilities. This is why they are essential in most lineups.

The items that intelligence heroes build tend to be highly caster-based since they are the ones that primarily provide intelligence. Most of the intelligence heroes are ranged as well except for a few. They rely on spells for damage, though these have static damage values only increased by spell damage amplification or damage manipulation.

Intelligence heroes peak during the early to mid game, where in their spells deal the most damage with regards to enemy health pools and resistance. They usually start to fall off in the late game, thus they fit into support and ganker roles. 

In some exceptions, there are intelligence heroes who have scaling abilities which make them excellent in the late game.

There are a total of 43 intelligence heroes in Dota 2. Here are the top intelligence heroes with information about them, including the base values for each level of the hero.

Ancient Apparition

Kaldr, the Ancient Apparition, is usually played as a support. Kaldr possesses strong semi-spammable spells as well as a painful global ultimate. 

One of his abilities, Cold Feet, harms enemies and stuns them unless they move away from the cast area. This makes the spell dangerous when used in conjunction with disables from allies.

Another one is the Ice Vortex which is a low-cooldown zoning ability. It applies a heavy slow and magic damage amplification to nearby enemies. It combines effectively with the ability Chilling Touch, which provides Kaldr with enhanced magic damage from a huge range.

Here are the base values and growth increase per level of the Ancient Apparition:

Base strengthStrength GrowthBase AgilityAgility GrowthBase intelligenceIntelligence growth


Also known as The Slayer, Lina is known for being adept at destroying enemy heroes quickly. She does so by delivering massive bursts of magical damage. This makes Lina one of the most effective gankers in the game. 

Lina has immense damaging capabilities. Her main source of damage comes from two of her fiery spells. Dragon Slave sends a wave of fire to enemies in her path, rendering them to burn. Light Strike Array stuns enemies with a concentrated pillar of solar flame.

Here are the base values and growth increase per level of LinaL

Base strengthStrength GrowthBase AgilityAgility GrowthBase intelligenceIntelligence growth


Nerif, the Oracle, alters the fate of both allies and enemies by a combination of multipurpose nukes and buffs. 

The Oracle possesses different abilities to change enemies’ fortunes such as Fortune’s End. It deals nuke damage and pins down enemies within its radius, while dispelling from them. Another ability, Fate’S Edict, can be cast on both enemies or allies, disarming them or granting them resistance against magical damage.

Here are the base values and growth increase per level of the Oracle:

Base strengthStrength GrowthBase AgilityAgility GrowthBase intelligenceIntelligence growth

Outworld Destroyer

Harbinger, the Outworld Destroyer, qualifies as a carry. Unlike traditional carries, Harbinger is excellent in combating high-armor targets while being crippled by spell immunity.

When Harbinger uses his ability Arcane Orb, his damage output is reliant on his intelligence as well as the size of his mana pool. He must then focus more or less only on items that augment them.

Arcane Orb deals Pure damage. If he gains an advantage in a match he deals constantly, a huge damage that cannot be decreased or resisted except with a total immunity spell gets stronger with each hit.

Here are the base values and growth increase per level of the Outworld Destroyer:

Base strengthStrength GrowthBase AgilityAgility GrowthBase intelligenceIntelligence growth


Boush, the Tinker, pushes lanes and ganks his enemies through leveraging great mobility and blistering nukes. 

The Tinker’s ability, Ultimate Rearm, resets the cooldown on his items and abilities. This allows the Tinker to deal immense damage with his Laser, Heat-Seeking Missiles, and with items like Dagon.

Through rearming Blink Dagger, Tinker is granted vast mobility which enables him to pressure multiple lanes with his Laser and March of the Machines.

The Tinker’s mana costs are high so he could remain a global threat. He does this by regularly regenerating at his fountain using Keen Conveyance.

Here are the base values and growth increase per level of the Tinker:

Base strengthStrength GrowthBase AgilityAgility GrowthBase intelligenceIntelligence growth